July 2021 Newsletter

Wishing you a happy new financial year. This is an exciting time for us quirky accountants as the slate is wiped clean and we have another year of goals to work towards. What are your goals for this year and how will you go about achieving them? 

End of year checklists

Below are checklists to assist with your end of year document compilation:

  1. Business tax & financial accounts checklist
  2. Is it tax deductible?
  3. Tax return items to consider.
  4. Property investor checklist
  5. Home office expenses


Below is a list of the articles in the newsletter:

  1. Tax breaks
  2. Value-adding when selling your business
  3. Blogging
  4. Single touch payroll changes
  5. Free legal advice for eligible employers
  6. Trademark infringements
  7. Protecting your business reputation

These articles are only summaries of these topics so please contact us if you’d like any additional information.


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