2017 – Tax Planning, FBT and more!


Tax planning

The end of the financial year is fast approaching. Using your last 9 months of data we can estimate your tax position for the year ended 30 June 2017 allowing sufficient time to impliment tax planning strategies.

Please contact our offices if you are interested in tax planning. Tax planning includes but is not limited to:

  1. Deferring assessable income
  2. Accelerating deductions
  3. Capital Gains Tax
  4. Debt & Equity implications
  5. Salary sacrificing
  6. Low income tax offsets
  7. Superannuation
  8. Non commercial losses
  9. Trust distribution calculations and resolutions
  10. Unpaid present entitlements
  11. Closely held trust measures
  12. Family trust elections
  13. Losses
  14. Division 7A
  15. Declaring dividends
  16. Fringe Benefits Tax
  17. Research & Development grants
  18. Any other special circumstances you have had during the year

Contact our offices to discuss your tax position and end of year strategy.


Happy new year (FBT)

Happy new Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) Year. If you are similar to most other businesses then this is not a ‘happy’ event to celebrate as it often results in onerous compliance. Contact our offices if you require assistance to reduce your FBT exposure.

Contact our offices if you answer yes to any of the following questions:

  1. Do you own a motor vehicle used by an employee for private purposes?
  2. Do you pay for personal car parking for employees?
  3. Do you assist employees with housing or accommodation costs?
  4. Did you provide a loan to, or release an employee from paying a debt?
  5. Did you pay expenses on behalf of an employee (eg phone, travel, etc.)?
  6. Do you provide entertainment (eg meals) to employees or their associates?
  7. Did you ever buy gifts for an employee costing more than $299?
  8. Did an employee salary sacrifice super contributions for a spouse?



This newsletter includes the following interesting articles:

  1. Improving workplace productivity
  2. Finding your point of difference
  3. Opening a second location
  4. Overcoming motivation roadblocks
  5. Social responsibility
  6. Improving emotional intelligence
  7. Workplace flexibility



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